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Who we are

Our Vision


Leveraging technology to leapfrog Africa into the first world economy

Our Mission


Footprint Africa Business Solutions (FABS) identifies and implements market-leading IT solutions to businesses across the African continent.

We really listen to our customers – truly understanding their unique challenges allows us to consistently deliver appropriate solutions.

With Security at the core of everything we do, our solutions include infrastructure health checks, security assessments, security remediation, data protection, consultation, training, services, customisation, re-implementation, and many vendor software solutions.  We are here to protect our customers’ existing IT investments.

Operating in 54 countries, we work closely with local talent and business to ensure skills are circulated, and investment is managed carefully.

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Our Values

1. Integrity: I deal with ALL my customers, suppliers, vendors, and colleagues in an ethical, morally correct, and direct manner. I do not tolerate corruption or bribery in any form whatsoever.  I believe in always doing the right thing, in an honest, fair, and responsible way with the best possible outcome for all the parties involved.


2. Truthfullness: I only promise what I can deliver and that I am willing to keep. I inform my management, colleagues, suppliers, and customers as soon as I am made aware of a potential problem or challenge and do everything in my power to resolve it.


3. Commitment: I am 100% committed to the success of FABS, our customers, and my fellow FABS co-workers. My relationships make a positive difference in our customers'  and company’s lives. I only recommend our consultants and engineers and the solutions that we are entitled to provide in the countries in which we are allowed to provide them.


4. Ownership: I take total responsibility and accountability for all my actions and all the results that these actions bring. I NEVER pass the buck on a customer request or challenge and own the process from start to conclusion, irrespective of whether it falls within my direct responsibility or not or how long it takes.


5. Continuous learning: I commit to doing the technical, sales, and personal training that is required to be successful in my job, irrespective of my work and time pressures, and without neglecting my day-to-day activities. I fully understand and agree that I cannot be successful in what I do at FABS without undergoing regular training. I also willingly and happily share and pass my knowledge and expertise on to my fellow FABS colleagues and our customers. I am equally happy to receive information, training, and feedback, whether this is given on my request or not.   


I subscribe to the motto that “Doing the same thing over and over again while expecting a different result, is foolishness and insanity” and happily examine all my day-to-day actions and interactions in this context. I learn from my mistakes and adapt my actions to hopefully produce a better result.


6. Success: I believe in the successful outcomes of my own, my team’s, and FABS’s actions. I believe in a win/win/win result at all times where the interests of FABS, the customer, and the supplier are all protected and equally positive. I believe in a  100% partnership between FABS, the customer, and the supplier where all parties are treated equally and fairly. I focus all my actions, thoughts, and beliefs positively on all my actions and tasks and believe that they will succeed. I celebrate FABS’s success and my colleagues’ success as much as I celebrate my own.


7. Communication: I believe that communication is paramount in everything I do. I communicate challenges and successes in an equally timely and positive manner. I only speak positively of FABS, my fellow FABS colleagues and management, and my customers in public and in private. I address challenges head-on respectfully and positively as and when they occur and do not let them fester.  I allow my customers and colleagues to raise issues when they feel the need to do so and let them finish before I respond respectfully.  I ensure that our customer database remains up to date to allow for successful communication with all on a regular and relevant basis.


8. Predictability: A predictable environment and predictable actions and results create a safe environment for our employees, customers, and suppliers. I strive to create such predictability and consistency in all my actions by following our policies and procedures – in all my actions in a disciplined and controlled manner.


9. Adaptability and Innovation: I am adaptable to the needs of my customers, my vendors, and FABS. I listen carefully to the challenges and needs of all our stakeholders and can easily identify their requirements and come up with the right solution for them. I do not believe in one size fits all and often have to put together a solution in an unusual way to suit the specific requirements of my customers.


10. Tenacity: I have a strong will to be successful and to win in everything I do, across multiple industries, countries, and components of our business. I persevere until I get the result I want respectfully and innovatively.  I do not get discouraged when things do not go as planned and find different avenues to get the result I desire.


11. Teamwork: I firmly believe that we are stronger together, often across multiple countries, cultures, and languages, and am a great team player. I am happy to step up as a leader when required, especially when I know and understand the customer or the solution well.  I focus on the team goals and resolve conflict quickly and respectfully to ensure a positive outcome and to help FABS win.


12. Enjoyment and fun: I spend a significant amount of my life working and equally cherish my work and personal time. Therefore both should be enjoyed and be fun.  A fun, enjoyable work environment does wonders for motivation and commitment and I like to contribute to such a workplace.

Why Choose Footprint Africa Business Solutions?


Footprint Africa Business Solutions is an IT Business Solutions provider specialising in SW Solutions, Services, Training, and IT Security.


01.Footprint Africa Business Solutions (FABS) was founded close to 20 years ago to rewrite the narrative of Africa by showcasing how the continent is leading the way in innovation and invention.​ Inspired by frogs turning into princes, not being the dumping ground for used electronics from across the world, and dispelling the culture of handouts, we strive to quell the patronising tone adopted by the rest of the world as it pats Africa on the back.


02. FABS has implemented market-leading solutions across Africa, working closely with local talent and business to ensure skills are circulated and investment managed carefully. Where other companies come in with packages and recommended solutions, FABS comes in with an open mind and open playbook.​


03. The FABS ethos is to work with you, our customers, and your existing technology base. If a customer is working with a specific product or package, then the solution developed by FABS will integrate it effectively. Not only does this reduce costs, but it minimises the barrier to entry. Employees will already be comfortable with the system and the enhancements will only improve productivity, rather than inhibit it.​


04. The focus of the FABS team is to strengthen your cyber security posture as you, our customer, seek to stay ahead of an evolving cyber threat landscape and boost your value proposition, your reputation, and your business resiliency, be it through regular automated security training, security assessments or security solutions.

Seven Reasons why FABS Is Your Company’s IT Partner of Choice

  1. We epitomize CONTINUITY and EXCELLENCE:

    • A pan African Software Solutions and Security organisation

    • One owner and a stable core team for 17 years

    • Your dynamic team of FABulouS technical and sales resources;

  2. Fast, reliable, accurate responses to your requests for information, quotations, and support;

  3. An experienced and well-qualified team of Security Consultants on your team – spanning multiple security layers including security and vulnerability assessments, pen testing, user awareness training, general and specific country data protection, security policies and procedures, remediation as well as the associated software solutions;

  4. An experienced team of IT Infrastructure Technicians across all platforms – taking care of your on-prem, BYOD, cloud, or Hybrid environments from mainframes to mobile and IOT devices;

  5. Your support team of Business Continuity and Resilience Consultants – focusing on Work from Home, Disaster Recovery, Security Breaches and much more ensuring the continued existence of your business;

  6. Many years of Industry and Cross-Industry Experience for you to draw from – with experience in countries across the African continent;

  7. Multi-Vendor Relationships, Cross Vendor Experience, and excellent product knowledge – all enabling the FABS team to find the right solution for your environment, size, and budget.

Seven Ways FABS helps you do your job better (and  “… make your job/life easier:”):

  1. Empowering you, our customer, and making your IT team as self-sufficient and competent as possible;

  2. Providing Project-based, on the job training;

  3. Delivering you 1st, 2nd and 3rd levels of monthly support;

  4. Giving you access to trends and product information the moment we get it;

  5. Sharing access to industry-leading webinars for technical and business vendors;

  6. Designing and hosting our own webinars customised to your areas of interest and concern;

  7. Helping you optimise your existing IT and software systems, we are not here to simply “sell” you a new solution.

Privacy Policy

Footprint Africa Business Solutions (FABS) is committed to ensuring the security and protection of the personal information that we process, and to provide a compliant and consistent approach to data protection. If you have any questions related to our data protection compliance, please contact the sender.

In compliance with the South African Consumer Protection Act, 2008, the Electronic Communication and Transaction Act, 2005 and the Protection of Personal Information Act, 2013 if you do not wish to receive further emails from the sender please reply with the subject line "Unsubscribe".

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